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Thursday, October 14, 2010,6:29 PM
Hmm. It's been a long time since I blogged. Before this I had twitter and facebook so I can't balance all this at a time when twitter itself is like a blog but you just put random stuff every time. Unlike blog where you make damn long essays. Lol.

Today is the first day of me being single. Yes, as you guys can read the posts before this, that's like 10 months ago? Lol. So yeah. Now I'm living life as a single guy. Hmm...surely you are all thinking what happened between me and her. Here we go.

Where do I start. Okay I'll just briefly tell. I'll try to be as detailed as possible. I remembered during ramadhan, we were not so close because we didn't wanna meet as we were afraid that we might break fast earlier. If you guys know what I mean. So there were a lot of misunderstanding between us as we don't meet that often and we tend to be moody towards each other. Raya came and I met her on the 3rd day of raya. It's her birthday. Met her at 12 plus midnight. It was sweet. Okay whatever.

Fast forward to last week when she said that we should go on separate ways because she thinks that it's better for us. I kept on declining. So then it remains hanging there. Till yesterday, which is 13th October, it's our official break up date. What happened yesterday was I wanted to meet her for so many times but she said that she's busy and stuff. So yesterday I tried my luck after we contacted each other in a proper manner at last. So I met her after both of us finished school. We talked and had ice cream together. So I walked her home and saw cats around her area. So we played with cats and all. After exhausting out energy with cats, we sat down as I don't feel that well. Then we talked about us.

This is where the end began. We talked happily. I did not expect anything to happen you see. Suddenly she asked me. "So, have you thought about what I said earlier?". I replied "What?". "About us" she answered. From that moment, we talked and talked. I tried to win her heart back at that moment. After one hour, I was already crying and she keeps saying that she made up her mind. Also said that she thought about this long ago. After crying and crying like a stupid bastard, I decided to end the conversation and wanna head home. I asked her whether I can give her a last kiss and a hug. So I did. She wanted to walk me to the bustop but I didn't let her. Walked to the bustop while tearing like a piece of shit. I couldn't wait for the bus to arrive as I'm too sad and shallowed. I decided to take a cab in the last minute. While waiting for a cab, she came behind me and asked me to stop crying. Trying to calm me down and stuff. I touched her head and a taxi was in sight. I didn't look at her and raised for the cab. Cab came and I kissed her forehead and went it. Straight home.

Don't blame her for leaving me. It does seem bad for her to do this. Of course, I did a lot of things which makes her wanna leave me. Things like I deleted notifications on Facebook after girls adding me. And she noticed that. Also, I deleted mushy comments given by my girl friends and she also noticed that. She also claims that I did not treat her as wonderful as I did the last time. Hmm. I don't know. The funny thing is, she said that she still loves me. She just wanted to try this out. But deep down, I know it's not just a try out. It's permanent. I'll post more when I come home. Going out for a while.

Nabil out...

Monday, September 7, 2009,8:43 AM
Good Morning world! Hehehe! I'm so happy now because I'm chatting with Berok<3 on the phone! Hahaha! She slept early again yesterday! And left me alone the whole night:( The whole night, I was playing FM like nobody's business! Hahaha! Okay nevermind. By the way yesterday was damn boring. Last last night, I slept at 7am? Ya! Then woke up at 4pm yesterday! OMG! Hahaha! Berok<3 smsed me a lot when I was sleeping. Sorry Baby :( hahaha! I helped mum make kuih! Hehehe! Nothing much but well, it's life. I'm missing Berok<3 a lot :( Guess what! I'm meeting her tomorrow! Woohoo! Hahaha! Everyone, don't forget to wish Berok<3 on her birthday on satuday! I can't meet her on her birthday itself:( very very the way some of you might be thinking, how can I wish her if I don't even know who she is? HAHAHA! Nevermind. You can wish her through my tagboard or SMS her yourself. IF you know her. :P

I think I'll post untill here. Since I'm sprouting out random nonsense. HAHAHA! Okay then, to all the muslims, Selamat Berpuasa! Hehehe! Okay byeee!

Nabil out...

Saturday, September 5, 2009,1:46 AM
Hi! This is the normal impression I will give to my two irritating friends which is Bear and Fez. HAHAHA! They will simply get irritated and will scold me in different languages. Damn! Hahaha! by the way today, I didnt go for Friday prayers because I overslept :S I had work later in the afternoon. Before going to work I made my own tuna sandwich because I break fast at work also. :( So poor thing. Then Berok<3 alerted me when we can break our fast :) I love you Berok<3! HAHAHA! Today was very busy as we had shortage of man power. Then me and Jing Hui had to do a lot. Stressed! But Baby slept halfway during my working hours. :(

So I went home feeling alone and with my music which irritates me sometimes. Hahaha! These past few days, I did not wake up for Sahur. I don't know why. I'm too sleepy I guess. Well, I hope I'll wake up later. :) Till then, I'll stop here! I miss you Berok<3!

Nabil out...

Thursday, September 3, 2009,2:33 AM
HIIIII! Hahaha! Okay first things first. Happy Birthday Emely(Momo)! hahahaha! Hope you enjoy your birthday:) I know I sound happy after so long. Today was amazing. Seriously amazing. Well today I went out and met Berok. Hahaha! She was upset when I met her. She lost something which was supposed to be given to me. I'm sorry Berok. :(. Then she suggested that we go to civic centre because she wanted to go toilet. Hahaha! So we went there and went blank after toilet. She skipped her test to meet me and we were out of ideas on where to go. Suddenly I remembered that I have to collect my LG phone which was on service. The service center is at VIVO. -.-" I know its damn far. But what to do. So I gave the idea to her and she agreed. So we went back to my house and took the warranty card and the collection slip.

Then we went to VIVO from Admiralty station and proceeded. We reached and went straight to the center. While waiting Berok was admiring this phone. I looked at it in awe as the phone was partially transparent:O. Cool! Then after that we ate at Burger King :P Then we went to the back of VIVO after window shopping. Berok was shocked and amazed by the scenery and the water. Hahahahaha! So cute okay! Then she was pointing towards Sentosa. After talking about it, she gave me a good idea. I then ask her if she wanted to go there. She was petrified. Like as if she won 1 million dollars. HAHHAHA! Berok was excited! She couldn't believe what I just said. So we went to the skyline train and proceeded to Sentosa! Hehehe! We went to Siloso beach and witnessed the sunset. We spent 1 1/2 hr of beautiful, romantic, wonderful and sweet time. I gazed into her eyes a couple of times and was so in love with her :) We were so crazy. HHAHAHA! Then we started making stories when we looked at the stars. So damn sweet. The cutest part was, we were heading home, so she wanted to go toilet and wash her legs before putting on her shoes once again. So she went to the toilet and washed her leg. She came out and gave me this face -.-. HAHAHA! Because her leg was 'sanded' once again. Hahaha! There is a place for washing legs beside me there. I was sitting beside a fountain in front of the toilet. Before washing her leg for the second time, she was thinking how to prevent sand from getting to her leg. Because if she were to walk with wet feet, there will surely be sand. So I came to her rescue! hahahahahah! This is damn sweet. I carried her from the place to the seat where her shoe was. ^^

After that we headed home. I sent her home and was so happy about today. Berok was so tired that she slept without saying goodnight! hahahaha! The short trip was so random and unplanned! It turned out to be a beautiful meeting:) I'm so in love with berok! ahhaha! Okay until here. Find out more about us in the upcoming posts:D Goodnight all! I love you Berok! <3

Nabil out...

Friday, August 7, 2009,8:33 PM
Guess what! Yesterday was my birthday! It was a different birthday ever! Firstly, someone was the first to wish me through webcam! I was very happy. Then in class, I was forced to make a birthday speech in front of the class. I was so nervous . The facilitator was kind enough to let us go early as we had to catch a very early dinner and a late lunch at Seoul Garden. We had to reach there at 4 as that is the time the student price end. So we went there and was really hungry. 13 of us there, we ate like 130 people. Hahaha! Omg I love my classmates. While eating, suddenly they went silent and sang a birthday song for me when the staff of seoul garden brought a cake from swensens to my table. I was damn nervous and speechless. After that I cut the cake and we ate happily. We took a lot pictures and were very noisy. Then after that I met up with Nadt and her boyfriend. She gave me a small cake and a spectacular card. Thanks Nadt! Then after that I met up with Afiq, Roz, Ash, Aisyah and Diana. We chatted like crazy and in the end, I got sick. Untill now, I'm not able to breathe properly! Although I was enjoying myself yesterday, I am still dissapointed and sad due to several reasons. It's okay. Mum and dad gave me 2 Ralph Lauren shirts, cash and this emotional self written card by mummy. Thanks mum and dad! I love u! Last but not least, I just want to thank W14L and all who wished me through every mode. I appreciate you all! I'm 18! Nabil out!

Sunday, August 2, 2009,1:09 AM
Hi. I'm sorry. I have not been updating my blog. I know if I were to update my blog, I will be super emotional. Like now. Not "emoing" on Kirin. But my family. I'm just very angry with them. Especially with my mum and dad. Not to mention my brother. Sister is okay so far. Come on, can't life just give me a break? Especially this year? Ever since my last post, a lot happened during this period. I really need a break. Maybe some time with the only person I trust. Which is my best pal. No names being mentioned here. I'm just going to be frank with all of you, I'm still not over with Kirin. Not even a little bit. If you feel that this post is crap, let me give you a suggestion. Press the exit button and shut up. Today is my family's part. What the fcuk? Is 2009 a bloody hell year for me? Or is it just the beginning? Or the end already? Anyone? Fasting month is at the end of this month. Should I be looking forward to this? Because after 2 years I'm doing it alone once again. Okay forget it. I'm going to do whatever I like tomorrow. Stop me if you can. Nabil out.

Sunday, July 12, 2009,11:37 PM
I swear to god I really have no idea about my mind anymore. I'm really not in a right sate of mind. I'm afraid. When is the road going to lead me to a smooth path? I want to forget every single thing that happened in my life. As in, everything. Really. I swear, I think I'm having migraine. I'm not joking about this. You all know, today I had my third black out. As in, real one. I was walking to admiralty just now. Then, I felt giddy. So I sat down and rested. Then while listening to noisy songs, I felt nothing and fainted. Cool okay. Serious. When I woke up, it was barely 4 minutes -.- Okay drop the topic. I went to work today. Today is officially the second day of work for me and it was alright. Zul is with me, so I have a friend to go with. Cool okay. I've been feeling to tired and having an ocean in my head. Heavy. Okay I think I'm going to end my post here. Before that, I want to recommend all of you to one song. The song is, Already Gone by Kelly Clarkson. Wonderful song. Okay, until here. Nabil out.

Friday, July 10, 2009,3:14 PM
Sometimes I will think, what am I thinking of everyday? Is it the same thought that I had a month back? Or is it the first month after the incident happened? I'm getting more confused and having bad headaches every now and then. It's kind of weird how life is being carried out everyday and every moment by specific individuals. What I am trying to say is, okay I will tell you. I am not going to lie here. I am still heartbroken and find it very difficult to carry this burden which is topped by another burden. You see what I mean? If you are very close to me, you would understand what am I trying to say here. I'm not going to say it. For some reasons. Another is, I kept wondering about how can a couple be one in a short period of time? This is the big thing in my head. Yes, I know that I could have just gone straight to the point from the start. I don't care okay. Speaking of point, I'm having Cognitive Problem solving now and it is a little bit draggy. I'm having my science UT in a few minutes time and I know I am going down the drain. I did not even get a glance on the powerpoint slides. One more thing, I'll be working later and I think I am going to collapse after a few hours. I just don't feel right today. So much happened in a short period of time. So maybe that is all for today? Yes. See you all. Wish me luck. Nabil out.

Thursday, July 9, 2009,11:38 PM
Hey. Today is quite funny and joyous. First thing is, I came to school early. I also did a lot during maths. I tell you all something. The cookies from Subway is orgasm okay. It is so delicious! For those who have not tried it, you should :) After school was quite different. I left Fesz and Bear walking without me because I wanted to have late lunch and early dinner at Pastamania. Sorry guys. I went with Murni, Patricia, Jo and Harvn. It was funny okay. We cracked a lot of jokes there. After that I accompanied Murni around Causeway Point while waiting for her boyfriend to pick her up. After that, I went home, bathed and knocked out. How am I? Well, different things has been happening to me. Sweet plus sour. I'm actually trying hard to live with it. As in, VERY hard. Oh. I forgot to mention. No work today! So I am enjoying my free time now. I will be working tomorrow. So that's all for today. I'm having my science test tomorrow. Wish me luck :) Nabil out.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009,12:01 AM
Hey. Today is not a good and normal day. I mean it went well and all but I'm really tired due to lack of sleep. By the way, these 2 days, including today i meant, I kept going to the block where I treasure my memories a lot. I told you before that there is something someone wrote that makes me cry a lot. So just now I went to the place again and stared at it for about 5 minutes or so. Smiling to myself and thinking about my secondary school life and happy moments. After saying all these, something happened today which slightly spoiled my mood at work and caused me to not concentrate that much. I kept thinking about why must I be in the picture whereas I do not have a clue about it. Never mind. I shall live with this kind of things. Maybe I have to be ready for this kind of stuffs in future. I told you guys. My luck changed after the separation. it is kind of weird actually. Hey, tomorrow I have a test going on. It is on cognitive and processes. OMG. I have not even started reading through. Maybe I'm going to do it now. Peace out. Nabil out.